0.25g Airsoft BB's

Airsoft Ammo 6mm Bio
Today's standard for airsoft weapons is the airsoft ammunition 6mm bio . This is completely biodegradable ammunition in 6mm caliber. The airsoft ammunition 6mm bio decomposes after a certain time in nature due to the external influences of sunlight and rain and causes the bullets to almost completely dissolve into their components. The airsoft ammunition material is usually a mixture of stone powder and a strong binder.
Airsoft ammunition made of plastic - That was yesterday...
To protect the environment and also for the founder of the field cleaning, airsoft ammunition made of plastic has hardly been used for years. The field operators simply don't want it anymore, but many airsoft players have become more environmentally conscious these days and are therefore happy to accept the small additional charge for the fully biodegradable BBs. Another point is the cleaning of the playing fields. Since Airsoft Bio BBs almost completely and independently decompose in nature, field operators need to invest less time and money in cleaning their playing fields.
Buy cheap airsoft ammunition 6mm bio here
We offer you Airsoft Bio BBs from numerous premium brands and in almost all weight classes. In the end, you should pay attention to a good price-performance ratio when buying Airsoft BBs. Cheap airsoft BBs or cheap airsoft ammo are not always the key to success. Of course you can save a few euros here and there when buying airsoft ammunition, but please consider that you can get a whole month with a bag of 5000 airsoft BBs. If you are willing to put three to five euros more on the table for the bag of Airsoft BBs, then the quality and thus the shot can be significantly improved. In other words, for a few euros more you can have a whole month more fun on the pitch. It should be worth it.