Airsoft complete packages

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You can get inexpensive airsoft beginner packages and airsoft complete sets right here! is your online shop for airsoft weapons and airsoft rifles of all kinds. We not only carry the latest models from the best-known brands in the industry, but also offer a lot of accessories for the individual types of airsoft weapons. As a newcomer, you can get started straight away with our Airsoft Sports savings packages at a reasonable price. Each of our inexpensive starter packages includes everything you need as a newcomer for your first airsoft game.

In each set you will find airsoft protective glasses , airsoft ammunition , the so-called airsoft BBs , an airsoft weapon with magazine and one or two accessories such as batteries, Co2 capsules or complete HPA systems. All packages are designed so that as a beginner you can get started straight away on the next airsoft field with your friends or airsoft team members. Below we have summarized the most important components of your new airsoft equipment and also explain to you why the individual components are so important.

The airsoft weapon

Choosing the right airsoft weapon is all about finding out which model suits you best as a player. Do you prefer it small and compact, or big and martial? There is something for every taste in airsoft. We offer you everything from a small pistol set to a large machine gun package that makes the heart of an airsoft player beat faster. Simply choose your airsoft weapon based on your visual preferences. You can find further information about airsoft weapons in our airsoft weapons category in our online shop.

The airsoft safety glasses

Probably the most important item in your entire equipment! The Airsoft goggles not only protect your eyes from being shot at by Airsoft BBs, but they are also your constant companion on the field. Since airsoft glasses are the first thing you put on before entering the field and the last thing you take off after leaving the field, you should also make sure they are comfortable to wear. In addition to simply airsoft protective goggles, which are usually supplemented with a face shield to protect the mouth and nose, there are also so-called full protective masks and even entire airsoft helmets. These offer even more extensive protection for the face and head. You can find more information on this topic in our Airsoft protective masks, glasses and glasses category here in our shop.

Airsoft BB's - your ammunition

Of course, you also need ammunition for your new airsoft weapon. That's why each of our sets includes a bag of airsoft balls, so-called airsoft BBs. These 6mm caliber bullets are the standard ammunition in airsoft sports. As with almost all pieces of equipment, there are small but subtle differences with Airsoft BBs. You can get all the information about airsoft ammunition in the Airsoft BB's and ammunition category, here in our online shop.

Spring pressure, batteries, green gas, or just HPA?

Every newcomer has to ask themselves this question, because choosing the right propellant for your new airsoft weapon is also a question of performance. The higher quality the propellant you choose, the more accurately, further or better your airsoft weapon will shoot. It is important that the propellant must always match the weapon chosen. There are sometimes big differences here. In order not to overwhelm you as a newcomer to airsoft sports, we have included the right propellant for your new airsoft weapon in the package. So you can be sure that all the components in our Airsoft starter packages are perfectly coordinated and work perfectly. If you would like to find out more about airsoft propellants, then visit the batteries, gas, HPA and Co2 section in our airsoft weapon accessories category.