Airsoft SpeedQB – The Airsoft tournament scene
Tuesday March 15, 2022

We take a look at the airsoft tournament sport

Airsoft tournament sport has been on the rise for years. The keyword here is Airsoft SpeedQB – the airsoft tournament scene is developing practically on the same path as paintball sport once did. Airsoft players who want to get out of the forest and into the tournament scene will find their home in the so-called SpeedQM.

SpeedQB is very similar to tournament paintball. The game is played indoors on symmetrically arranged playing fields with wooden coverings. The layout of the playing field can be freely designed before each tournament, so that new playing fields are always created.

The SpeedQb equipment

When you think of airsoft equipment, camouflage clothing and realistic weapon models inevitably come to mind. That was once… Today's airsoft tournament sport is breaking new ground. He is colorful, fast and focused on the sporting aspect of the game. The SpeedQB Airsoft weapons look more like modern paintball tournament markers. They are colorful, fast and designed for maximum lightness. Many modern SpeedQB weapons even have an Airsoft HPA system . This is either carried on the back and connected to the weapon via a hose, or it is attached directly to the bottom of the handle. Anyone who looks at a weapon like this will quickly see the parallels to paintball tournaments.

This is what a modern Airsoft SpeedQB player and his equipment looks like:

Airsoft SpeedQB - The Airsoft tournament scene

Airsoft SpeedQB – The Airsoft tournament scene is developing

What began years ago as a small fringe sport and was mostly ridiculed by the players has now turned into a real sport. Dozens of teams compete against each other at tournaments and play for points, trophies and prize money.

The airsoft tournament sport in moving images

If you have read this text up to this point and still can't really imagine what Airsoft SpeedQB actually is, then take a look at the following video on the topic. The video shows the everyday life of a very successful Airsoft SpeedQB team around a tournament weekend. You will experience interesting impressions of the field and the lives of the players off the field.

We hope you enjoyed the short excursion into airsoft tournament sports. Who knows, maybe you too will become a SpeedQB player in the future and find yourself at one of the big tournaments where you'll end up holding the winner's trophy. In any case, SpeedQB is an interesting development and a real enrichment for airsoft sports. We are excited to see how this topic will continue in the future.


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