Airsoft weapons for ages 14 and up
Friday November 12, 2021

Your online shop for airsoft weapons for ages 14 and up

As a young player in the sport of airsoft, you are legally limited to airsoft weapons from the age of 14 . On the one hand, this is annoying for some newcomers who would like to experience the full airsoft action, but there are also safety reasons. Airsoft weapons for ages 14 and up have significantly lower bullet energy than models for players of legal age. At a maximum of 0.5 joules, the muzzle energy is significantly lower than that of airsoft weapons for those aged 18 and over. These have an output of up to 3 joules. So that you, as a young player, don't lose interest in airsoft sports, the law sets these limits.

Airsoft weapons for children and young people – you have to pay attention to this

Parents often come to our shop who want to experience airsoft as a hobby with their children. Then the question automatically arises about the right Airsoft weapon for the youngsters . In general, there are two relevant age limits in airsoft that are clearly defined. Firstly, there are entry-level models with reduced bullet energy. These airsoft weapons have a maximum of 0.5 joules. They are suitable for children and young people aged 14 and over . All weapons with higher energy, i.e. over 0.5 joules, can be purchased freely from the age of 18. We are also often asked about Airsoft weapons for ages 12 and up or Airsoft weapons for ages 16 and up. Unfortunately, it is a common misconception that there are further distinctions here. – But that's definitely not the case.

All young players who are looking for an Airsoft weapon for those aged 16 or over or an Airsoft weapon for those aged 12 or over should be told at this point that they simply don't exist. 14 years and 18 years or up to 0.5 joules and over 0.5 joules are the legal limits in airsoft sports. Every player must adhere to these regulations.

This is how I recognize airsoft guns from 14 years

As a newcomer, we want to make the purchase as easy as possible for you. We have clearly labeled our range for children and young people. Every airsoft weapon that is available for ages 14 and over or has a maximum projectile energy of 0.5 joules is marked accordingly. Please pay attention to the addition <0.5 Joule / FSK14 in the item description. All airsoft weapons for those aged 18 and over are also provided with the warning “not permitted under 18 years of age according to German weapons law”. If you read this note under the item name, then you know that it is a fully-fledged FSK18 airsoft weapon.


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