The manufacturer Enola-Gaye from England has been producing pyrotechnic products for paintball and airsoft/airsoft for years. Enola-Gaye became known for its smoke bombs, which are equipped with a very powerful charge and the detonator, which is very popular with many players.
The new EG25 Micro Smoke smoke grenades are very small, inexpensive and compact. They smoke for about 30 seconds and offer a very good smoke output (see video). Ideal for small rooms, trenches and dense forest areas with little wind.
Item details:
Burn time: approx. 30 s
Igniter: ring-pull igniter to pull off
Pyrotechnic charge: about 14g
If a color is not in stock, another color will be sent depending on stock availability. Usually the color that best matches. Example : Blue is ordered but not in stock. Shipping will be purple or green.
Product video for Enolagaye EG25 Micro Smoke smoke bomb (white)