Payment methods


Below you will find a brief overview of our payment methods and the associated processing and shipping times. As one of the leading airsoft shops in Germany, it is very important to us to make the payment process at the end of your shopping experience just as pleasant as the purchase itself. For this reason, we are the only paintball online shop in Germany to offer 10 different payment methods .


Payment in advance

Please transfer the invoice amount in advance to the following account, stating the order number and the name of the customer:

account owner Airsoft Sports
name of the bank Deutsche Bank
IBAN DE59 2507 0024 0291 2160 00
Purpose of use Your order number + name of the customer


account owner Airsoft Sports
name of the bank Sparkasse Hanover
IBAN DE10 2505 0180 0910 4347 43
Purpose of use Your order number + name of the customer


The transfer takes 1-2 working days to be credited to our account.
Your goods will be shipped immediately after the transfer amount has been credited to our business account.
The delivery time for payment in advance / bank transfer is 1-2 working days after receipt of payment.



For this type of payment, you must be activated for online banking at your bank. You also need a PIN and TAN to complete the transfer. The transfer is completed immediately, so your order can be processed by us immediately and shipped as quickly as possible.
The delivery time when paying with Sofortü is 1-2 working days.
Detailed customer information on payment with Sofortü can be found here .


Pay for your online order quickly and easily with Paypal, the well-known digital payment provider.
After completing the order, you will be automatically forwarded to the PayPal interface by our system.
Please send manual PayPal payments to Kontakt (at) Airsoftsports (dot) de
The transfer is completed immediately and your order can be processed by us immediately and shipped as quickly as possible.


With Paypal Plus, the new payment methods of purchase on account , purchase by credit card (Mastercard, Visa & American Express) and EC direct debit payment in connection with the house bank are now available for all PayPal account holders.
After completing the order, you will be automatically forwarded to the PayPal interface by our system.
The delivery time when paying with Paypal Plus is 1-2 working days.
The transfer is completed immediately and your order can be processed by us immediately and shipped as quickly as possible.


Pay larger orders quickly and easily in several small installments. Now new with Paypal installment payment.
After completing the order, you will be automatically forwarded to the PayPal interface by our system.
Paypal quickly checks your creditworthiness, tells you the current situation and after a few seconds your order can be processed by us and shipped as quickly as possible.


Shop even faster with the new “Paypal Direct” function. You can find the PayPal direct button right below in the shopping cart of our online shop. If you have a PayPal account and your current order details are stored there, then you can now complete your order with just one click. New and only possible with Paypal Direct.



This payment method includes a DHL cash on delivery fee of €6.00 ​​+ €2.00 DHL delivery fee plus the normal shipping costs.
From a value of 100 €, the shipping costs are waived, but not the DHL cash on delivery fee + delivery fee.
The goods will be dispatched as soon as the order has been received and processed by us. Delivery time 1 – 2 days.



When purchasing goods in our shop in Hanover, or by ordering on the Internet, with self-collection booked.
Please select this at the end of the ordering process. Please print out the receipt and bring it with you.



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