PowAir HPA systems for airsoft weapons
Saturday June 11, 2022

HPA is on the rise in airsoft sports

The topic of HPA – High Pressure Air – is a constantly growing topic in the European airsoft scene. In recent years, more and more providers have expanded their range to include their own HPA airsoft weapons. For this reason, we offer you the PowAir HPA systems for airsoft weapons in our shop. The PowAir brand not only offers a wide range, but also great products.

Buy cheap Airsoft HPA systems at Airsoftsports Powair Carbon Series HPA System with Regulator for Airsoft Guns

Why HPA – The advantages at a glance

When it comes to HPA for airsoft weapons, players are currently still arguing about its benefits. The question is whether playing with HPA is a blessing or a curse. The fact is, you have to completely convert your airsoft equipment to HPA. Not only does it take an HPA Airsoft weapon, but you also need a complete Airsoft HPA set . This includes, among other things, an Airsoft HPA regulator and an Airsoft HPA bottle. Bottle and regulator form the so-called HPA system. This HPA system is filled with clean compressed air and has a working pressure of either 200 bar for aluminum bottles or 300 bar for composite bottles. The composite bottles are made from a fiberglass composite with an aluminum core. They are significantly lighter than normal aluminum HPA bottles. But also a bit more expensive.

PowAir HPA systems for airsoft weapons offer the best price-performance ratio on the market

We consciously chose the PowAir brand because it offers many advantages. PowAir not only has one of the largest Airsoft HPA ranges on the market, but the price-performance ratio is also good. As a player, you can get everything your heart desires from PowAir, from the inexpensive 0.8 liter aluminum HPA system with 200 bar filling pressure to the ultra-light high-end system with 300 bar working pressure. This manufacturer also scores points when it comes to accessories with a wide selection and high-quality products. There are two different airsoft HPA regulators with adjustment functions to choose from for the airsoft sector. Also numerous adapters for all common weapon models. The availability of accessories and spare parts is particularly important when it comes to HPA. Nobody can fool PowAir here.

Almost every single part can be bought from the manufacturer. This means that you are always ready for use and can fix small defects yourself in just a few moments. The PowAir brand has also enjoyed constant popularity in other sports such as paintball for years and is one of the largest brands in the scene. Paintball players have come a long way with HPA and have been using it for almost 20 years.


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