Sniper Rifles for Airsoft Sniper
Tuesday November 16, 2021

What are the best sniper rifles for airsoft snipers?

The sniper, also called sniper, is one of the most popular positions in airsoft sports. Through numerous films and videos, snipers in Hollywood have become real icons in recent decades. Numerous YouTubers, above all the well-known Austrian Novritsch, have supported the Airsoft Sniper cult in recent years. It is only logical that the hobby soldier on the airsoft field would also like to slip into this cool role. We have taken a look at the most common sniper rifles for airsoft snipers and told you what you should consider when buying airsoft equipment for snipers.

Which is the best airsoft sniper rifle?

It is extremely difficult to answer this question with a clear recommendation for just one product. There are now dozens of manufacturers that offer a wide variety of models in form and function. There is also the question of whether to buy a gas blow back (GBB) rifle or a single repeater. The single chargers are usually a little more accurate. If you would like to find out a little more information about airsoft sniper rifles , you are welcome to take a look at our corresponding shop category.

In order to snipe successfully you need big guns, here the age of the player is crucial…

Next, however, we would like to go into the effect and range of the airsoft sniper rifles. Since every rifle is slightly different, you should find out exactly what is possible with the desired equipment before you buy it. You also have to make a clear distinction between whether the player is allowed to play an Airsoft Sniper from the age of 14 or an Airsoft Sniper from the age of 18 .

Airsoft Sniper from 14 years

The FSK14 weapons have a significantly lower performance. It is less than 0.5 joules. As a result, these rifles do not put enough energy on the projectile to fire it at long distances. In this case, the airsoft sniper range is very limited. So if you are only allowed to play 0.5 Joule Airsoft weapons due to age, you should be aware of this fact in advance. On the other hand, there are also advantages within this limitation. Weapons with a muzzle energy of less than 0.5 joules can be played in fully automatic mode. The young and very agile players can be deployed in other positions and, for example, intervene in the game as aggressive shock troops with fully automatic weapons.

Airsoft Sniper from 18 years

This is where the life of the airsoft sniper really begins. If you are of legal age, you can freely purchase large weapons with up to 7.5 joules. Then with modern airsoft sniper rifles when using the special, heavier airsoft sniper BBs, distances of 100 meters and more are also possible. We therefore recommend that you wait until you are of legal age if you want to get started as an airsoft sniper.

The correct loadout is crucial for the success of the Airsoft Sniper!

In addition to the right airsoft gun, the right loadout is particularly important. – The loadout is the equipment worn by the sniper on the field. In addition to a camouflage suit for airsoft snipers , the so-called ghilli suit, the right accessories are also crucial. Since snipers usually act alone or as a team of 2 players, you should be prepared to be on your own for a long time. In addition to food and means of communication such as radio equipment, rear cover should not be neglected. Many airsoft snipers who hide in a building use, for example, airsoft mines or airsoft grenades to pepper the entrances to their positions with traps. If the unsuspecting opponents then want to storm the building, they fall into the trap. In this way, even a small sniper squad can successfully defend itself against a significantly larger group of opponents.

The coolest airsoft sniper videos are available at Novritsch

The airsoft sniper Novritsch, mentioned above in the text, is now known worldwide. He did this through his very successful Novritsch YouTube channel, on which he uploaded numerous videos of his kills on the field. The videos mostly show the game from the so-called scope cam perspective. This means the viewer looks directly through the rifle scope and sees the bullets flying into the target. If you want to watch a real professional airsoft sniper at work, we can warmly recommend the Novritsch YouTube videos. We hope you enjoy watching and collecting ideas. By the way, Novritsch has been a producer of sniper rifles for airsoft snipers for several years now. Of course, we also offer you the latest Novritsch products in our online shop.


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