Taginn FBG-6 2.0 Flashbang / Soundflash grenade with rocker arm
According to the German Weapons Act, not allowed under 18 years of age.
SKU: 4438
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Product description

The new FBG-6 2.0 Paintball & Airsoft Flashbang grenade from TAGINN replaces the previous model FBG-6. The difference to the previous model is the changed trigger time. Users/players increasingly complained about the ignition time of 3.5 seconds, which is quite long for flashbang grenades. Taginn has made improvements here and found a balance between even more realistic application and maximum security. The new FBG-6 2.0 Flashbang grenades now detonate with a delay of just 2.0 seconds!
This grenade works like a real flashbang grenade, just in a weaker form. It was specially developed for use on paintball and airsoft fields and is ideal for distracting and blinding your opponent before you and your team storm into a room or building.
The Flashbang grenade is triggered like a real grenade, simply grip the grenade and the shackle tightly, pull the safety pin and throw the grenade away. When you release the safety lever, the grenade is triggered and explodes after a delay of about 2 seconds, just like the original.

Product description of the Taginn FBG-6 2.0 Flashbang Grenade
- Handling like the original
- Bang & lightning effect (very bright and loud)
- Effective distraction for the opponent
CE-1008-P1-69258485, dangerous goods class 1.4s
Delivery quantity: 1 piece

Product video for Taginn FBG-6 2.0 Flashbang / Soundflash grenade with rocker arm

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