Valken Battlemachine Airsoft weapon – The new 2021 model.
Monday May 31, 2021

Valken Airsoft products fresh from the USA to your home…

The Valken brand has been a fixture on the international paintball scene for many years. For several years now, the ambitious US manufacturer has also been producing an airsoft weapon called the Valken Battlemachine Airsoft Rifle . The Valken Battlemachine has been one of the most sought-after products in the scene since it went on sale, because it impresses with both its performance and its extremely low price point of under 200 euros. In Germany, the Valken Airsoft brand is sold exclusively through the long-established airsoft shop and Valken distributor Sniper AS. We work with the boys as part of a cooperation and bring you all Valken Airsoft rifles to the German market and to your home. Of course, we also offer all sorts of accessories for Valken Airsoft weapons , just take a look at our large Valken Airsoft range in the online shop.

The Valken product innovations for the coming season

Just in time for the start of the new airsoft season, Valken has expanded its product portfolio in the area of airsoft weapons and is presenting numerous new models. From now on there is not only the Valken Battlemachine, which is based on the popular AR-15 assault rifle, but also shorter Airsoft CQB weapons in the shape of handy submachine guns and other model variants. The new model series runs under the name Valken ASL and will most likely appear in German stores in the coming months. This currently depends on the time delay that the German PTB approval of new weapons brings with it year after year. Of course, we will also stock all new Valken models as soon as they are approved for German retail.

Valken stands for reliability & quality

Valken Airsoft weapons have now been on the market for over 2 years. They stand for reliability and quality. After initial teething problems, Valken has revised both the gearbox and other internals and made them more durable. With us you get the full selection of current Valken Airsoft weapons.

Valken Airsoft BBs – 100% suitable for the weapon!

When it comes to Airsoft BBs, the workmanship is extremely important. But it is just as important that the ammunition fits the weapon perfectly. Valken offers its own Airsoft BBs that are perfectly tailored to its own models. If you are interested in Valken Airsoft BBs , just follow this LINK . There you will find all common packaging units and weight classes of Valken BBs.


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