WARQ Airsoft Helmets – The new premium protective helmet
Tuesday June 1, 2021

The new safety concept in airsoft sports

The WARQ brand comes from France and has been developing high-quality full protection helmets for use in the airsoft sector for several years. The WARQ Airsoft protective helmet is based on a normal FAST tactical helmet , as is known from numerous areas of application in airsoft sports, in authorities and in the military. For its in-house model, WARQ has expanded the FAST helmet with a few interesting features. The WARQ Airsoft helmet has an integrated visor and a mesh mouthguard. This ensures perfect vision and maximum protection on the pitch. Soft pads are attached inside the helmet. As a result, the helmet is particularly comfortable on the head and does not become a burden even after hours of play. The integrated chin strap ensures a secure hold in every game situation.

The WARQ Airsoft helmet offers interesting accessories

If you want, you can upgrade and expand your WARQ helmet with numerous accessories. For example, the helmet has side mounting rails for lamps and rails. A mounting device for night vision devices is also provided. WARQ’s in-house radio upgrade is particularly interesting. This means that the entire communication unit, consisting of a microphone and ear speaker, can be integrated directly into the helmet. This hands-free device is then simply coupled to the radio that you carry with you anyway.

If you also want to adapt to the weather and lighting conditions, you can choose between 3 different colors for the helmet's glass.

WARQ Airsoft Helmet Design – As unique as you!

For anyone who would like to go one step further, WARQ offers the opportunity to design their own helmet. There is a helmet editor on the manufacturer's homepage with which the color and design of the helmet can be adjusted. This gimmick is visually very cool, but it also costs a surcharge that should not be underestimated and requires longer delivery times. If you're willing to accept that, you'll have a uniquely cool helmet that you can't find anywhere else. For example, you can simply immortalize your own name or that of the team on your helmet.

WARQ helmet in the Airsoft Sports special edition – only available from us.

We've also had a bit of fun with the WARQ Helm Editor and created some really stylish special editions for you. Among other things, camo variants in multicam and flecktarn, but also very special editions such as the Urban Winter Helmet or the Fallout Edition for end-time fans.


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